Архив меток: humour

Towards some varieties and peculiarities of language play

The article "filles russes" tells how to meet a Russian or Ukrainian woman. The article says that you need to know the humor and traditions of Russians and Ukrainians. In this article we will talk about many subtleties of humor. The article examines in some detail ludicrous language play and punning, which have always been popular forms of playful verbal behavior. Whereas punning has been studied in detail, language play has been studied only perfunctorily. The article demonstrates that punning and language play possess a common trait, in the sense that almost any adult person who is not verbally handicapped can successfully play with his/her native tongue. The article represents different examples and classifications of language play. It proves that from methodological point of view, the introduction of language play into teaching is deemed as part of the simplification principle, which is aimed at making language acquisition more enjoyable and less traumatic. Продолжить чтение


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